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Updated: Aug 16, 2024

My friend 'The Proff' has much to say about lots of things; in particular how quickly some of us will throw stones at others, while under the illusion that we're nice and secure inside our 'glass houses'. Here is one of his favorite 'Pearls of Wisdom'...

"Being different shouldn't be confused with being deranged, otherwise there would be reason for all of us to be headed for the Nut House"....

I decided to use what occurs with our climate here in Florida during the summer as a pretext to this post because between the hurricane season in 2022, and this past season in 2023, Florida's Gulf region was hit with another major hurricane that has cost the state billions of dollars. Because the disturbances in the Atlantic can suddenly become more active at times, even when the season winds down officially at the end of November, we tend to hold our collective breath hoping and praying we'll dodge another bullet and are spared the havoc these storms are known to cause.

Listening to That Still Small Voice

I feel I can say with some degree of confidence that when most of us learn about these storms, a truce is usually declared; meaning a halt to vocal, and in some cases physical hostilities over differences that allow our 'better angels; to prevail. I believe strongly that it's no accident when we decide to switch gears so readily to respond to someone else's suffering, followed closely by the anguish that mirrors that of the real victims.

It's almost like the sounding of an alarm as we posture ourselves for rescue mode then suddenly it's 'all hands on deck'. The prejudice and cynicism that were front and center suddenly take a back seat, and the underlying fear that drives them at least has the presence of mind to take a break from attempts at corrupting our thoughts.

The Path of Least Resistance

The truth of the matter is, the most positive and beneficial point of view would be to appreciate this 'melting pot' of a human race for what it will always be; as part of the Creator's grand design. Culturally it functions a lot like our own bodies. Each part (or person) serves a distinct purpose to keep it viable; which apart from its vital organs, cannot survive on its own. I like to think that each of us can be like that 'vital organ' that inhabits a family, or a social group, or an entire community, and uses his or her talents to help rectify that body of its deficiencies. If we can avoid being handicapped with tunnel vision long enough, it's not hard to accept that each of us has value, and can play an important role to affect the positive change we all wish for; no matter the race, color, creed, young, old, size, shape, privileged, or not so privileged.

The Necessity of Generosity

It's probably a safe bet to say that, as a society, we do our best work in service to one another. We 'tip our hands' as to what's really at the core of our souls, especially in times of natural disasters, like those tropical systems that often exact really heavy tolls with wind damage, flooding, and displacement of families; giving little or no thought to who we feel may, or may not, be deserving of the assistance.

Even the man-made variety like the carnage that results from the epidemic of mass shootings around the country. Each occurrence punctuates in a big way the loss of life, or property, or in some cases dignity that is not soon restored except by the grace of God.

What becomes painfully aware, is when we're close enough to someone else's misery it gives us an opportunity to strip away the facade that insufficiency seems to create; a wall of sorts that denies the 'truth' real access to who we are at our core for fear of violating our comfort levels. We can all make a meaningful contribution that benefits the society at large if we follow three very important rules:

(1) Discover your individual talents and the impact they have on others

Plan to grow in your talents so that you continue to manifest a better version of yourself consistently as time goes by. Don't let your gifts 'die on the vine' because you would have starved them of the time and attention they needed to flourish.

Set aside an hour or two each day for sharpening your skills through a series of drills that you can complete handily. As a writer, I've come to realize the value of reading different types of material consistently; whether it is staying informed about breakthroughs in science, world affairs, maybe a book I'm trying to finish reading, or even the 'fine print' that comes with an on-line merchant's pitch for my business. Grasping different writing styles, as well as having my dictionary within reach are what I consider 'tools of the trade' for expanding my vocabulary. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Devote equal time to study; that is, research any resources that may have a positive impact on your growth, and identify articles about new trends in your particular discipline through publications, media outlets, social media platforms, and the internet.

(2) Appreciate the gifts that others bring to the table

Seek to align yourself with others who possess skills that compliment your own, and who also are highly motivated to achieve.

Be humble enough to understand that it's not so much about 'being in charge' but 'being enlarged' with the help of others who are like-minded about their own ambitions.

Strong alliances with others are only created when the commitment to nurturing them is not weakened by an even stronger desire for needing to hang on to certain biases.

Expect to see 'Good Success' if you treat your relationships with care and distinction, like the well-oiled machine each of them should be deserving of.

(3) Delight in the Disparity

Take time to try and enjoy the impact that the talents of others might have on you by knocking down barriers created by myth and animosity against a particular person or group.

Appreciating change is as basic a human impulse as feeling the need to wear different clothing every day of the week.

Being accepting of that variety in every facet of life should be no different. It keeps us from becoming one-dimensional in our thinking, and allows us to broaden our perceptions resulting from the benefit of varied experiences. Allow it to become habit-forming.

You Can't See Clearly with Blurred Vision

Practically (and positively) speaking, it really seems counter productive for any one group of people to fight for dominance over another; which seems the moral equivalent of deliberately clogging the arteries to an otherwise healthy heart. The problem for some of us is needing to be convinced of that fact, and not pin so much hopelessness on the need to annihilate one another instead...A wise Sage, also known as the Apostle Paul in the bible, and who was speaking to the Corinthians once said, 'If we sow sparingly we shall reap sparingly, and if we sow bountifully we shall also reap bountifully'...Translation - If you invest too little of yourself, or not at all into your own well-being, or that of your fellow man, you can't expect it to really have a positive impact on your life and also how your behavior might affect others within your sphere of influence.

Conclusion - Let's Keep Dark Clouds from Descending

Making a commitment to invest in the physical, mental, and emotional welfare of others pays big dividends. We should all work constantly to prevent the gradual collapse of compassion toward one another, and ultimately the society as we know it, by maintaining a steady diet of active goodwill that's always available on demand.

So, if the quest for pre-eminence is at the center of anyone's agenda, make no mistake...The species that truly needs protecting to avoid its extinction is humans...Let's continue to pray for one another.

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