Pedestal Signature Gifts & Memorabilia
Blog Terms of Use
The following 'Content Guidelines' are to be observed by all visitors to the blog. Bloggers who 'Guest Post' should also observe these guidelines.
Note - 'We' or 'Us' refers to Pedestal Signature Gifts & Memorabilia, or Practically Positive Unlimited Blog wherever these terms appear throughout these guidelines:
Note: Procedure to View Individual Blog Posts
Go to Main Blog Page and move cursor over the 'Blog Title' (positioned near the bottom of the panel) in your desired Blog Category. Left click once to be taken to the 'Blog Page' that allows you to view the Blog in its entirety..
1. Advertisers & Affiliates
Bloggers are prohibited from using Practically Positive Unlimited Blog as a free platform to advertise their own, or their affiliates' businesses. Promotion of fund raising activities for specific political or social agendas, or GoFundMe Pages for various causes is also prohibited. Persons or businesses wishing to advertise on this blog must first establish a monetization agreement with 'Us' before any advertising can occur.
2. Third Party Websites and Content
'We' may occasionally link with third-party websites as part of the administration of this blog, but we will assume no liability for that site's own individual 'terms of use' or privacy policy as it relates to the possible breach of a user's personal profile, or what may be considered proprietary information.
Conversely, users are encouraged to review the policies of websites whose third-party links they intend to use as part of a 'Guest Post', or response to a post. The user must assume all liability and indemnify 'Us' against any negative consequences to this blog, its partners, or its visitors as a result of misrepresentation by that third-party affiliate.
3. User-Generated Content
Any content originated by the user must observe the following guidelines:
(a) There must be no violation of intellectual property rights belonging to someone else.
(Exception - Proof of a Limited License to use the copyrighted images, texts, etc. that has been granted to the user by the owner of the material)...
(b) The use of hate speech targeting race, religion, ethnicity, or gender is prohibited.
(c) Sexually suggestive images or content is prohibited.
(d) Encouraging recreational or illegal drug use is prohibited.
(e) The use of profane or vulgar language is prohibited.
NOTE: Click the Button below to access General 'Terms and Conditions', as well as the company's Privacy Policy